Starting Solids For Baby

When should my baby start solid foods?

6 months of age is the optimal time to start the introduction of solids.

There is no need to rush starting solid foods with your baby. Breast milk or formula is all your baby needs until 6 months of age. When starting solids, try each new food for 3 days before starting the next new food. Report any reactions such as rash or diarrhea to your baby’s pediatrician.

Look for signs that your baby is ready for solids.

• Your baby is able to hold their head up when propped to sit
• Tongue thrust reflex has disappeared
• Your baby shows interest in food

First Food:

Iron Fortified Cereals: 6 months—start with rice cereal, then oatmeal, barley and mixed cereal. Give 2 to 4 tablespoons on a soft infant spoon at breakfast and dinner. Do no put cereal in the bottle.

Second Food:

Pureed Meats: 6 months—offer pureed chicken, beef, turkey, lamb. You may prepare your own meat or offer half a jar or pouch of baby pureed meat from the baby food section of the grocery store. Offer meat at the noon meal.

Third Food:

Pureed Vegetables: 6 months—start with yellow-orange veggies such as carrots, squash, sweet potatoes. Then give green veggies such as beans, peas, broccoli. Give 2 to 4 tablespoons for lunch and dinner. Do not add sugar or salt to foods you prepare.

Fourth Food:

Pureed Fruits: 6 months—offer pears, peaches, bananas, apples, prunes (good for constipation). Give 2 to 4 tablespoons for lunch and dinner. Do not add any sugar to foods you prepare.
Foods after 6 months: you may introduce all foods except honey and homo milk after 6 months.
Allergens need to be introduced at 6 months. Peanut butter, eggs and shell fish should be given in a small amount daily for 3 days. If your baby develops a rash or diarrhea speak with your doctor.
Juice should not be given. Offer water in a sippy cup. Increase the texture of foods as tolerated by you baby. Continue breastfeeding or bottle feeding according to the same schedule your baby was already on.

What iron rich foods can I feed my infant? What if we are vegetarian or vegan?

Iron containing foods are important for the healthy growth of your child. Infant iron stores are low at 6 month of age so it is a good time to introduce solids containing iron. There are many choices for iron containing foods for every type of diet.
The body absorbs iron better when the iron is ingested along with a source of vitamin C. To increase the amount of iron absorbed by the body, serve iron-rich foods alongside foods rich in vitamin C.

Foods rich in iron

Iron fortified infant cereal
meats/ fish/ tofu
lentils/white beans/quinoa
sweet potatoes
dried fruit/pumpkin seeds
peanut butter

Foods rich in vitamin C

bell peppers
sweet potatoes

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