Tummy Time for Babies

What is plagiocephaly (flathead)?

Positional plagiocephaly or flathead syndrome is a condition that results in flattening of your baby’s skull. This occurs when a baby lays on their back or looks to one side for too long.

To prevent your baby from developing a flattened skull, you will need to change his or her position frequently. Positioning your baby on their tummy several times a day can help prevent flathead.

Tummy time

  • Place your baby on their tummy to play several times a day.
  • Start with 5 minutes and work up to 10 minutes at a time.
  • Use an activity or yoga mat on the floor.
  • Do tummy time 3-5 times a day.
  • You can also place your baby on their side with a firm roll at their back to maintain the position.

Benefits of Tummy time

Tummy time will help your baby develop:

  • Early head control
  • Strength in the muscles of the upper body
  • Skills to roll over easily
  • Ability to reach for objects
  • Crawling skills  

My baby hates tummy time!

What should I do? 

Here are a few suggestions to help your baby learn to love tummy time!

  • Lying your baby on your chest is a good way to get your baby used to tummy time.
  • Put your baby on their tummy after each diaper change.
  • Add a little extra tummy time each day.
  • Give your baby lots of interesting things to look at such as colourful toys or a mirror.
  • Roll a towel under your baby’s chest to support them while on their tummy.

Play it safe! Never place a baby on your bed or couch for tummy time, as they can easily fall off!

My baby always looks to the right (or left). What should I do?

Many babies prefer to look in one direction. This is known as positional preference. If your baby has a positional preference, encourage them to look to the less-preferred side.

Here are a few things you can do:

  • Use brightly coloured toys or mobiles to attract baby’s attention to their less-preferred side.
  • If baby’s crib is against the wall, put your baby at opposite ends of the crib each night. Baby’s prefer to look out into the room.
  • Position toys to encourage your baby to look to the less-preferred side while in their crib.

What should I do if my baby’s head already has a flat spot?

Counter-positioning through the use of tummy time and side lying will take the pressure off the baby’s skull. This works best if the baby is less than 6 months of age as the skull is still soft and your baby is more likely to remain in one position.

If your infant is older or has severe flattening or asymmetry of the skull, talk to your doctor about having a helmet made for your infant. This will take the pressure off the infant’s skull and promote rounding of the head as the baby grows.


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