Sleep Training for Children

What is the “Progressive Waiting” or Ferber method of sleep training?


You can teach your baby to soothe themselves to sleep when they are physically and emotionally ready, usually between 5 to 6 months of age.

Follow a warm, loving bedtime routine and then put your baby in bed awake and leave your infant, even if they cry, for gradually longer periods of time.

Putting a child to bed awake, is crucial to successfully teaching your infant to go to sleep on their own.

Parents can pat and comfort their baby after each predetermined period of time.

Do not pick up, feed baby or turn on the light.


Preparing for the Progressive-Waiting Approach


For the first few days, pick a starting bedtime that is no earlier than the usual time your child falls asleep.

Put your child into the crib or bed awake. No rocking or swinging prior to putting down to bed.

When the infant cries or calls for you at bedtime or when waking at night, check them briefly at increasing intervals (see chart below for guidelines, you can adjust the minutes to your own comfort level).

Do not spend more than one to two minutes comforting the child at check in time. Your role is to reassure your child, not to help them stop crying or fall asleep. You may replace a fallen blanket or toy, but only once.

Be prepared that your child may cry for long periods of time on the first two nights of sleep training. Consistency is the key to sleep training your child.


Progressive Waiting


Number of minutes to wait before responding to your crying child

Day 1: wait 3 minutes before comforting infant (1st wait), then 5minutes, then 10 minutes for all subsequent waits for the night

Day 2:  5 minutes, 10 minutes, 12 minutes for all subsequent waits

Day 3: 10 minutes, 12 minutes, 15 minutes for all subsequent waits

Day 4: 12 minutes, 15 minutes, 17 minutes for all subsequent waits

Day 5: 15 minutes, 17 minutes, 20 minutes for all subsequent waits

Day 6: 17 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes for all subsequent waits

Day 7: 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes for all subsequent waits

Your child should fall asleep while you are out of the room.

Can I modify the Ferber method?

Absolutely! If you find the Ferber method too rigid, use a more gradual approach. You can stretch the seven-day program out over 14 days.


Keep in mind your primary objective:


To give yourself and your child a good night’s rest

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